C.C., East Atlanta

testimonial1Consultants at Yes Success Biz Made Me Take Action! I really needed a new car, but I was being really indecisive. I suddenly turned into this overly analytical person, and that’s NOT who I am. I had a meeting with Marv on a Wednesday, and I told her about how difficult the process was for me.She straight up told me that I was making this process unnecessarily hard, and I needed to MAKE A DECISION!  She helped me realize that I was wasting a lot of time, and hindering myself from moving on to the next thing. It was really eye opening, and exactly what I needed to hear. I bought a car that Friday, and I couldn’t be happier!! I’m a procrastinator by nature, and if it were not for her guidance, I would probably still be researching cars. I have taken the encouragement to just MAKE A DECISION and applied it to my daily life. I no longer spend unnecessary time going back and forth in my mind about little things. I’m so grateful she reminded me how important it is to deal with things as soon as possible, so you are able to move onto the next thing!